Sunday, 15 August 2010

Winning Attitude Part 4 - Continuous Improvement

When the Student is ready, the Master Appears
Buddhist Proverb

Let's examine the fourth characteristic that people with the "Winning Attitude" have, according to Shaun Belding in his book "Win at Work" and this is:

Continuous Improvement

I believe this short video by Cherie Carter-Scott says it far better than I could. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you would like assistance to ensure your continuous improvement then please just get in touch with me at
Nicholl Consultancy
Until next time, have a successful week.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Winning Attitude Part 3 - Self Belief

"The greatest mistake you can make in life
is to continually be afraid you will make one"
Elbert Hubbard

Let's examine the third characteristic that people with a 'Winning Attitude' have, according to Shaun Belding in his book "Win at Work" and this is:

Self Belief

How often do you find yourself working through reasons why you can't do something?

How often do you find yourself looking for excuses not to try something new?

But when you really get down to it, what you are really concerned about, is not being good enough or failing, so you would really rather not try.

Yes, it is very easy to always work within our comfort zone, but how limiting is that? Giving up on yourself and always 'staying safe' means that you will never do anything more exciting than you have done up to now. You will never have a job that is more interesting than the one you have now, you will never visit new places, or have new experiences, because you will talk yourself out of trying anything new, because you might not be good enough - how boring. Is that the life you will look back on and be proud of?

Instead, why not decide right now, that you are going to stretch your horizons and give new things a go? Yes, it will be scary but that is how you know that you are still alive!

I am not suggesting you start really big, but start to tell yourself that you are as good as everybody else, if not better and watch those people that you admire and wish you were more like and gently start to model what they do and, very importantly, notice how you feel when you have stretched yourself and tried something new.

If you are forever attending meetings but never saying anything, because you are worried that people will snigger at your comments, then set yourself a goal to make at least one comment at each meeting you attend from now on, and if people snigger it says more about them than about you. Just look them in the eye and carry on speaking.

If you keep a low profile at work because you are concerned that you might be given a task that you might not feel comfortable doing. Then take your courage in both hands and ask your manager, what one task you could do for them, that would help them with their workload?

Yes, doing these things will feel uncomfortable at first, that is how you know you are stretching your comfort zone and expanding your horizons and that has to be a good thing.

Believing in yourself is not a big-headed thing to do, it is an amazing thing to do, because it opens up all sorts of adventures and exciting opportunities.

Why not ask three friends and colleagues that you trust, to write down 3 statements that they feel describe you and have them sign it and give it to you. I bet you will be surprised by how positively they see you and your capabilities. Keep those statements and whenever you need to 'top up your self-belief' then re-read them.

Self-belief means looking past failures and towards opportunities and ways to make things better for yourself. If you would like to have somebody working alongside you as you stretch your comfort zone, then just get in touch with me at Nicholl Consultancy, I would love to help you.

Have a great time expanding your horizons!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Do you have a Winning Attitude? Part 2

"The way to gain a good reputation,
is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear as"

Let's examine the second common characteristic that people with the 'Winning Attitude' have, according to Shaun Belding's book "Win at Work" and this is:

Understanding Yourself and What's Important

How well do you really know yourself?

Have you ever allowed yourself the time to sit down and make a list of what is really important to you, the sort of things you need to be doing and achieving in order to feel proud?

What are your values, those things that need to be present in your life, for you to be truly happy?

This can be quite hard to do and you need to be very honest with yourself, you will need to recognise your shortcomings as well as your strengths. But once you have a very clear picture of what makes you 'tick', you will then be able to see what needs to be happening in your life for you to feel positive about yourself.

For example, if you decide that your family is really important to you but you find that you are regularly missing out on family outtings or that you are missing out on the things that are important to your children, like sports days or school plays, then very quickly you will feel that you are not 'being true to your values' and you will feel unhappy with your lot. Of course, it is not always possible to just leave what we are doing and rush home, but if you were able to ensure you are at home at a reasonable time a couple of times a week, then you are heading in the right direction.

The more your actions align to those things you feel are important to you, the greater your satisfaction and success and you will ooze confidence and strength of character.

If you feel that it would be easier to work with me as you get a better understanding of yourself and your priorities, then please get in touch with me at
Nicholl Consultancy I am waiting to hear from you.