Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Thoughts about Networking

It isn't just what you know, and it isn't just who you know.

It's actually who you know, who knows you,

and what you do for a living.

~ Bob Burg

Since I started my business a few years ago, I knew that it was necessary for me to 'get out there' and network in order to get known and to build relationships. Because, like it or not, people buy from people they like, know and trust, it is very unlikely that they buy from strangers - you don't do you, so why should anybody else?

I tried a few network groups, I found some to be too formal for me, others were all female groups and I found that I didn't like that. Then I tried
4 Networking and I really enjoyed it. The breakfast meetings are really well structured but remain very friendly and there at 290 groups all around the country, so once you are a member, wherever you are based or doing business, you can pop into a local group and you are made very welcome.

At each meeting you give a 40 second pitch about your business, you have 3 ten minute 1-2-1 appointments with people of your choosing to learn more about them and their business, and there is a 10 minute 4 Sight presentation, which is an opportunity to learn something new, it is not a sales pitch.

According to the 4 Networking blurb it:
  • provides personal and business support
  • somewhere to give and receive advice
  • a place to find good quality, reliable suppliers
  • allows you to develop valuable collaborations and alliances
  • a balance of 50% business, 50% social ... and it works!
  • ideal for gaining introductions to new business.
It also has a brilliant on-line Forum, which Google just loves.

4 Networking is my group of choice, I enjoy the meetings, I have gained a number of new clients and great opportunities, plus I have met useful suppliers and also made some good friends.

So if you want to get out and about in order to grow your business I recommend
4 Networking and if you want to have somebody alongside you as your business grows and thrives then get in touch with me at www.nichollconsultancy.co.uk for a chat.

I would also love to hear about your experience of networking - just leave me a comment.

Until next time - great networking!
