Tuesday, 20 July 2010


I have a brightly coloured post-it note attached to my computer and it says "Never mistake motion for action" however, even though it is right in front of me, unless I am very disciplined, that is exactly what I do. I can find whole days just disappear before my eyes and I haven't even begun to do what is on my list but I have been really busy doing ...... nothing that is remotely important. Am I the only one?

So what I do now is, before I go to sleep, I decide what I really must achieve the next day, and I am very realistic about this, there is no point in overloading myself, and then the next morning, I go straight into my home office and get going, without even going downstairs and making a cup of tea. Because I use that 'cup of tea' as my treat, once I have got going and done about 30 minutes work towards what I must really achieve that day, I reward myself with a cup of tea. Once I have got going, I find that I can keep going, especially when I start to see results. Try it, it might work for you too.

But if you feel you need support with this, please get in touch with me at Nicholl Consultancy

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