Friday, 28 January 2011

What image are you projecting?

People make their judgements of us

based on their perceptions of our character,

and those perceptions
come from the image we project.

(from Shaun Belding's book Win at Work)

Why is it that some people seem to get ahead faster than others?

How do individuals develop that positive reputation as the 'go-to' people in the workplace?

What gives some people, the edge in promotion opportunities?

The chances are,
it is because they have marketed themselves that way.

Think about your own personal image, maybe others are misinterpreting your actions?

  • Perhaps perceiving your thoughtful silence as disinterest?

  • Or seeing your well-intended 'devil's advocate' approach to being objective as 'not being a team player'?

  • Or your humerous approach to issues as somebody who doesn't take things seriously enough?

There are three basic steps to marketing yourself effectively:

  1. Position yourself - are you the 'economy' brand or the Finest, how do you want to be perceived?

  2. Live your brand, by reflecting this quality in absolutely everything you do - never be off-duty or caught off-guard.

  3. Be consistent - avoid the temptation to project a different image depending on who you are with.

Whatever you are doing, how others perceive you, is totally within your control. If you feel that you need help with projecting your desired image. Then please contact me at Nicholl Consultancy I look forward to working with you.

Until next time, watch the image that you are projecting!

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