Thursday 2 September 2010

Winning Attitude Part 5 - Passion

When you're truly passionate about something,
work ceases to be work

The final characteristic of a Winning Attitude according to Shaun Belding in his book "Win at Work" is:


Are you passionate about what you do? Do you wake up each morning excited about how you are going to be spending your time and what you are going to achieve? If not, then it is likely that you are a square peg in a round hole.

Did you just fall into your current role or did you explore what you really wanted to do with your life, and set yourself goals to achieve it?

If it was the latter then congratulations, because those who set themselves goals are most likely to succeed and will enjoy the process, because you understand why you are doing what you do and what you want to achieve at the end of it - you have a plan.

For the others, as far as I know we are not going to get a second chance at this life, so you might as well make the most of things now. If you would like help with that, then get in touch with me at Nicholl Consultancy and let's get started, I really look forward to hearing from you.

Bye for now.

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