Friday, 17 September 2010

Are Men the Best Bosses?

I read in the Daily Mail recently, the results of some research carried out on 3,000 people, by the online recruitment firm which states:

'Incredibly, both men and women are in total agreement

that men make better bosses

63% of women and 75% of men'

The reasons given for their answers were:

1. Women are only too happy to talk about their staff behind their backs
2. They are incapable of leaving their personal lives at home
3. They suffer mood swings
4. Likely to have a hidden agenda
5. They get involved in office politics
6. Women with power are 'loose cannons'
7. They feel threatened by colleagues and are too competitive
8. Too sharped tongued
9. They are too cliquey
10. They spend too much time worrying about their appearance.

The study goes on to say that 'No one is suggesting that women aren't intelligent enough to be in senior positions, far from it, but perhaps some need to be more approachable and less competitive. The study also said 'While women are more than capable of progressing to a management role, some lack the key skills required to be a good boss'.

Now, I am not saying that I necessarily agree with the findings, but in my experience, companies often fail to provide the necessary leadership training and assume that because they have promoted somebody, that overnight they will gain the necessary skills to lead effectively.

If you feel that there are areas of your leadership style that need to be explored then please get in touch with me at Nicholl Consultancy.

Oh, and the good news is,'we shouldn't forget that a third of those polled did say women are better to work for.'

Until next time - be the best you can be.

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