Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Have you done your "heebie-jeebie" today?

I can hear you all asking "what is a heebie-jeebie"? Well, according to the actress Celia Imrie, a heebie-jeebie "is a job that you don't want to do but you know you have to". We all have them, whether it is making that cold call, preparing and sending a difficult e-mail, designing a new workshop or a myriad of other things, that fall into the 'too difficult' to start category.

"I like work, it fascinates me.
I can sit and look at it for hours"

Jerome K. Jerome

I find the best way to motivate myself, is to promise myself a surprise reward once I have completed my "heebie-jeebie". What is a surprise reward? Well, I have a designated box in which I put slips of paper into, and on these slips of paper I have written things I would love to do if I only had the time and recently I have asked my friends to write reward ideas for me and they have been putting them into the box also.

So, when I have published this blog, I shall be dipping into my reward box and I'm really looking forward to finding out what my reward is.

Why don't you post a comment and let me know the type of rewards you give yourself when you have earned them? Also, if you need help to get started on your "heebie-jeebies" then just get in touch with me at Nicholl Consultancy.
Until next time, good luck with your heebie-jeebies!

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